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      Home > Shop > Warhammer 40,000 > Adepta Sororitas >

    Seraphim Squad / Zephyrim Squad

    Seraphim Squad / Zephyrim Squad
    Seraphim Squad / Zephyrim Squad

    Price: ¥7,470

    IN STOCK: 1 left


    Points: 373    x5 POINTS 

    The angelic warriors known as Seraphim fight in the advanced guard of an Adepta Sororitas army. Equipped with San Leor pattern jump packs, they descend from on high and launch themselves at the enemy lines, using shock and awe to shatter formations before their fellow Sisters open fire. Each Seraphim wields a pair of pistols, chosen from amongst the holy trinity of weapons. Bolt pistols are used to spit hails of death as the Seraphim arc through the sky, hand flamers spew burning torrents to immolate packed ranks of foes, whilst inferno pistols fire focused beams of heat that melt through armour and flesh with contemptuous ease.

    The kit builds five Seraphim. The Seraphim each carry two bolt pistols, though two of their number can instead be equipped with hand flamers while two more can bear inferno pistols. One model can be assembled as a Seraphim Superior, armed with a bolt pistol or plasma pistol in one hand and a choice of bolt pistol, chainsword or power sword in the other.

    The Zephyrim are divine destroyers, figures of fathomless passion and tenacity who cleave a righteous path through the hordes of the enemy. They soar across the firmament, seeking out those whose wickedness is the greatest affront to the faith, and there do they visit their wrath. With reaping arcs of their power swords the Zephyrim lop heads and sever limbs from the abominations before them. An acrid stench fills the air as flesh and metal are vaporised with every swing of the energy-wreathed blades. Screams of woe are drowned out by angelic singing and the thunderous blast of bolt pistols, and before the enemy corpses have hit the ground, the Zephyrim take to the skies once more.

    The kit builds five Zephyrim. The Zephyrim each carry a pistol and power sword, though two of their number can instead be equipped with hand flamers while two more can bear inferno pistols. One model can be assembled as a Zephyrim Superior, who can either replace her bolt pistol for a plasma pistol or bear a fluttering Zephyrim pennant.

    This set is supplied in 107 plastic components and contains 5x Citadel 32mm Round Bases and 2x Citadel 45mm Groove Stem Sets. An Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet is also included.

    In Stock: Delivery usually within 2~3 days.


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